
Wednesday 15 September 2010

Client "Butterfly"

Hi there it has been 3 months since I last posted and as you can see I have been busy. I installed this ladies hair. I shall call her Butterfly. Below is a before picture showing the front of her hair, which was quite dense.
Before back view.
Butterfly transistioned over a period of 9 months but there was still some relaxer in her hair.

This final result and I am reliably informed that I installed 565 beauties in her hair.

Front view.
This is her first retightening 4 weeks later and her hair is already changing. I spritzed lightly with spring water, then braided in large braids which were tucked in. Wow her hair had some bounce!
I shall keep you all updated with Butterfly's progress.
I hope you enjoy these pictures.
Please do not copy anything from this blog.
Much peace and love kittylocks XX

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! You did a fantastic job and her hair is beautiful!!!

Anna Renee