6 Months later and I was getting used to being a locked Princess.
1 year passed so quickly and my hair began to thicken up. I started to colour but could not get that final shade.
Hair Story
I used to fight with my hair only to be beaten at the end
I spent an hour getting ready then another 2 trying to "fix it"
"it" would twist and coil and shrink back on itself when I was out
Betraying me
My hair never quite matched my outfits or my mood
"It" was something that had to be endured because I knew no better
Then came Sisterlocks(TM) and my life has changed forever
It has taken me years to get to know, love and cherish my hair
I can alter my styles easily from a daytime, studious work look to an evening sexy diva!
Gone are the days of wigs, weaves, braids, glue, frying and the list goes on
No more nasty surprises
I have a sense of freedom
I am now in full unison with my hair
Sometimes I catch people staring at me in the streets
Cos in England it is rude to stare
Then I realise it is a look of adoration
As they are truly loving my hair.
Until next time.
Kittylocks XX
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